Calcein AM Loading Protocol


1.   Pellet cells and adjust to 1-10 x 106/ml, after induction of apoptosis.

2.   Dissolve 50 mg freeze-dried aliquot of Calcein AM (Invitrogen, Cat. No.M34153) in DMSO according to the manufacturers instructions.

3.   Incubate cells in:- Tube 1 with 100 nM Calcein AM, at 370C for 15 min.

4.   Incubate cells in:- Tube 2  - Calcein AM plus 0.4 mM Cobalt Chloride, at 370C for 15 min.

5.   Incubate cells in:- Tube 3 – Calcein plus 0.4 mM Cobalt Chloride and 500 nM ionomycin, at 370C for 15 min.

6.   Wash in PBS

7.   Collect 10,000 events from the three tubes with 530 nm channel.