Neurogastroenterology Group

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Adult and paediatric medical and surgical specialist neurogastroenterology clinics


A multidisciplinary neurogastroenterology clinic based at St Bartholomew’s Hospital is run jointly by Professor Qasim Aziz (Neurogastroenterology) and Dr Gerald Libby (Psychiatry). This team also comprises dieticians, pain management specialists, and psychologists. The clinic manages patients with complex neurogastroenterological problems, and has a national and international referral base. In addition to treating patients with functional gastrointestinal problems (eg irritable bowel syndrome), patients with gastrointestinal manifestation of neurological (eg MS and Parkinson’s disease), rheumatological (eg SLE, Scleroderma etc), and endocrine (diabetes) are also managed. This facility is supported by a state-of-the-art gut neurophysiology service. Dr Libby is also lead clinician of a Liaison Psychiatric Unit in the independent sector where in-patents are treated. Treatment modalities include psychopharmacology, cognitive behavioural psychotherapy (CBT), EMDR and hypnotherapy.


The Paediatric Gastroenterology service at Barts and The London Children's Hospital is one of the largest in the UK; treating patients who live both locally and across the country. All routine and specialist paediatric gastroenterology conditions – including inflammatory bowel disease, intestinal failure, and motility disorders – are provided for. The consultants providing the service are Dr Nigel Meadows (Clinical Lead), Dr David Rawat and Dr Nick Croft.

In addition to general gastroenterology clinics, there also includes specialised services for treating young patients with intestinal failure, home nutrition clinics, inflammatory bowel disease, liver disorders, and a regional multidisciplinary feeding assessment clinic (including a speech and language therapist, dietician, psychologist, and paediatric gastroenterologist).

Working closely with the Wingate Institute and the Endoscopy Unit of Barts and The London NHS Trust, all GI investigations – including intestinal manometry, pH studies, impedance, endoscopy (eg capsule endoscopy) – are coordinated through a dedicated nurse specialist (Vanessa Parsons), and all nutritional disorders are supported by a senior nurse specialist (enteral and parenteral). A dietitian (Sara Mansell), consultant psychologist (Kate Blakeney), speech therapist, and language therapist are attached to the department. There is also a close working relationship allowing smooth transition into adult gastroenterology services.

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