S Chikte, N Panchal, BR Wilbourn, UC Meier, G Warnes. Flow Cytometric measurement of cell organelle phagy August 2013.
S Chikte, N Panchal, G Warnes. A flow cytometric study of lysosome tracking and LC3B signals in autophagy June 2012.
G Warnes. Real time flow cytometry for the kinetic analysis of oncosis October 2011.
G Warnes and S Martins. Flow cytometricfunctional assays October 2010.
G Warnes and S Martins. Novel flow cytometry techniques October 2009.
S Mletzko, MM Varin, J Duchene, T Taher, G Warnes, DA Isenburg, RA Mageed. Altered membrane expression of distinct CD45RB isoforms are associated with B cell hyperactivity in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). British Society of Immunology, 2008.