Flow cytometry is a powerful tool for the multiparameter analysis of cells of all types. Five high powered high speed flow cytometers are available as well as one simpler cytometer and a three colour LED upright Fluorescence microscope in the Blizard Institute. See the Chromocyte list of fluorophores that can be analysed by the Blizard Institute instruments, Cytek Aurora, Aria IIIu, BD LSRII, ACEA Novocyte, BD FACSCanto II.
Download a Flow Cytometry Core Facility Welcome Pack for a brief overview of the Core Facility, see pdf.
SPADE software (fluidigm inc), a year subsrciption was purchased by Themes funding for Users to allow multi-dimensional analysis of FACS data by Spanning Tree Progression of Density Normalized Events or SPADE, see the link https://fluidigm.cytobank.org/cytobank/ please enquire for login details, see the link for the capabilities of the software, pdf. The software allows the automated identification of subpopulations of cell samples labelled with up to 40 fluorophores.
New training, assistance and sorting reporting forms for giving feedback to the Flow Cytometry Core Facility. For out of hours work download help guides for the Canto II & LSRII.
NEW MIFlowCyte criteria for good practice in data publication, see Cytometry the scientific journal for the International Society for the Advancement of Cytometry, ISAC, see details and download form in Flow Cytometry Guides. All such data for publication in Cytometry has to be uploaded to FlowRepository.org
Quick keys for:-
Protocols, Tutorials, lists of Fluorochromes, Compensation and New assays
Cell Sorter COSHH Form
All cell samples for sorting must be assessed for pathogenic and GM potential. Thus it is also required to supply a BioCOSHH form assessment of the cells due for sorting. Fixed samples can be sorted after the fixative is removed. More information can be found on the link, biological hazard. Cell sorting assessment form (downloadable pdf), Cell Sorting Biosafety Guidance, and QMUL Biological Safety Procedures documentation.
NEW ASSAY Design & Expert Assistance!
A REMINDER to all staff that the Flow Cytometry Core Facility offers NEW ASSAY DEVELOPMENT expertise, click here for list of new assay's already developed. Flow cytometry may be the answer to a research project problem and we can investigate whether flow cytometry can be used to investigate your research demands.
Expert support and technical assistance is also available to help with the design and development of experiments. Please see contacts for help and advice. Academic Lead for this core facility is Dr Dan Pennington, The Immune Systems Lead.
NEW ILABS BOOKING SYSTEM FOR 2017 :- Click here for on-line booking https://qmul.corefacilities.org/signed_out
Latest news:
- Coming soon summer 2020, Cytek Aurora flow cytometer with 5 lasers (Blue, UV, Violet, Red and Yellow-Green) allows the detection of 40 fluoroscrome spectral unmixing with 96 well TC plate reader, analysing cells at 35,000 events/sec.
- ACEA Novocyte 13 colour (5 blue/6 violet/2 red) flow cytometer with TC plate & FACS tube loading carousel with absolute count function without the need to set PMT voltages is due to arrive in the Core Facility in July 2015, see link for details.
- NEW October 2015! Extra colour on the LSRII red laser, Users can now use AF700 plus APC & APC-Cy7.
- SPADE software (fluidigm inc), a year subsrciption (September 2014) was purchased by Themes funding for Users to allow multi-dimensional analysis of FACS data by Spanning Tree Progression of Density Normalized Events or SPADE, see the link https://fluidigm.cytobank.org/cytobank/ please enquire for login details, see the link for the capabilities of the software, pdf
- New iMAC with FlowJo version 10 - from Themes funding
- Aria I upgrade in Feb 2014 to Aria IIIu - new Yellow-Green 561nm laser with 15 colour detection - purchased by User Funds