It is possible to assess changes in cells over short time periods by flow cytometry. These include a wide array of biological activities, from studies such as changes in calcium content in cells in response to antagonists. Mitochondrial membrane potential changes and Reactive Oxygen Species ROS and nitric oxide generation during apoptosis. Mitochondrial Transition Pore (MTP) opening can also be monitored during apoptosis (see other assays).
Cell proliferation can also be measured by the use of CFSE or Cell Tracker Qdots. The rate of phagocytosis can be determined by the use of fluorescently labelled bacteria. (see cell proliferation section).
FRET can be used to detect the proximity of cell molecules via the use of fluorescently labelled monoclonal antibodies or Fluorescent Protein (FP) molecules (see FRET section).
PH Dixon, et al, G Warnes, C Williamson. Heterozygous MDR3 missense mutation associated with intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy: evidence for a defect in protein trafficking. Hum Mol Genet. 9(8), 1209-17, 2000.